Singapore Homegrown Brand - A KIND OOOF
(like ours, hee!)

We enjoy every single interaction we have with our followers, and we have even made many friends through various pop-up events (oh how we miss meeting you guys face-to-face)!
Since Covid hit the world, it has been somewhat challenging for all local businesses like ours, but our team at
A KIND OOOF believe that it is imminently important to always find light and positivity when the going gets tough.
Today, we speak with our brand owners, ZZ and Ethan on their journey in building the brand so far. What were some challenges they faced as local entrepreneurs? What are some unforgettable moments they had while running the business? Did Covid affect their way of running the brand?
Here’s more:
How did the idea of starting a jewellery brand come about?
Ethan: It all traces back to the time when ZZ decided to relocate to Singapore after we got married. The thought of starting a business of our own came about then.
ZZ: Before this, it was not easy finding pretty accessories that suit my sensitive skin. Some jewellery I used to own and love rusted really easily, and even caused me to develop allergic reactions! It was just sad to have to throw my favourite pieces away so I was constantly scouting for well-made jewellery that would last.
My personal experiences through all the shopping I did taught me a lot about the characteristics of different metals used in jewellery crafting. The business idea came about because I knew there were many others who face the same problem like me, and I strongly wanted everyone to have options to choose from, because they are also deserving of well-made jewellery that suits them.

Are there any unforgettable moments you have running the business?
ZZ: There are many precious moments I hold close to my heart! I loved how we were able to meet our customers at our pop-up events. We met, and made many new friends, and we were also overwhelmed with so much support from our followers. :')

It is also exceptionally touching when we receive unboxing videos from them telling us how much they love their purchases. We are extremely thankful when we receive encouraging and extremely positive responses. It really gives us a huge sense of achievement! :)

非常多難忘的時刻,特別是在POPUP和大家見面的時刻,新認識了好多朋友,也有好多人特別前來,給我們非常多的鼓勵。還有!!收到開箱照的時候,知道大家都非常滿意自己選到的飾品,這讓我感到非常開心和有成就感 : )
Ethan: We have tonnes of unforgettable moments! From the birth of our brand based on a simple ideology, to all the small little milestones that we achieved together, this journey is really meaningful and unforgettable.
With the people who made things happen for us along the way, these memories are going to stay with me for a long long time. We are so thankful, and we look forward to building more of such beautiful and meaningful memories!
What were some challenges you faced as local brand owners/entrepreneurs in Singapore?
ZZ: Being an entrepreneur is not easy. A lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes and we have to always be prepared to face obstacles and challenges thrown our way. Sometimes we do face many “bang wall situations” . It gets frustrating when we see no end (it’s always busy busy busy!).
創業不是一件簡單的事情,有各種層面的問題必須解決。因為我們不會一直在原地踏步,所以當一個問題解決的時候很常會遇到下一個問題 XD (好忙)
Ethan: We do experience periods of uncertainty because we are still a growing brand afterall. We are a small team so we handle everything on our own ( you name it, I’ve done it)! Occasionally it gets tiring, and the thought of quitting would flash across my mind (opps!), but I would always get reminded of what ZZ would say. She used to tell me, “If you want to quit, quit now.” This statement often challenges me to not quit (I know right, it is like reverse psychology), and I will push on even harder! I have learnt that no matter how tough it gets, we just have to press on. Success does not come easy, and I feel quitters are losers. Since Covid hit, how did you adapt to changes?
ZZ: Covid has slowed us down immensely. There were plans that we had to put on hold due to the pandemic. At first I panicked and felt slightly lost because the climate was full of uncertainty. However, I learnt that some things cannot be rushed. Our suppliers were also affected so we took this chance to take short breaks during delays.
At the end of the day, we have to stay positive. Flowers still bloom beautifully, birds still sing the same melodic tune, the sun still rises everyday! The world is not going to stop spinning so we should keep moving. Nature inspires me greatly, and I have since adjusted and found my rhythm again.

Covid的來襲,打亂了好不容易建立起來的的步調,無法預計所有的事情,剛開始非常荒亂及緊張(後來發現也急不來XD) 因為師傅們無法如期交貨也休息了好一段時間,看著窗外的風景依舊,植物們在展新葉,小花依舊綻放,小鳥在唱歌,太陽也依舊升起,在這段時間跟大自然學習了不少,重新調整步調也找到自己的節奏。
Ethan: With the pandemic it affected us greatly, but we knew we were not the only ones. Many businesses were struggling. It was disappointing for us to have to halt some exciting plans, but we had no choice. Like what ZZ said, we need to stay positive during times like these. We should always find light in darkness!
What are some things you miss doing pre-Covid?
ZZ: Every moment in life should not be taken for granted. Everyday is a gift, and we should feel deeply everyday - blissfulness, pain, happiness, sadness, etc. Life is not perfect, and it will never be. I would say that I am easily content and I live with no regrets, so there is nothing in particular I miss greatly. I do reminisce about the days when I could freely enjoy Taiwan’s local fried chicken, milk tea, meatball dishes and fresh fruits!
這就是人生,有非常多的事情需要體驗和學習 : ) 我想我不曾錯過什麼,嗯⋯如果有,那也許是⋯應該要多吃一些鹹酥雞和珍珠奶茶、肉圓跟冰箱裡切好的水果吧(笑)

Ethan: I miss getting my passport chopped! I miss travelling the most and just lazing on beaches while enjoying an iced cold beer. Simple man!
If Covid goes away tomorrow (oh we pray so hard for this to happen), what would you wish to do for the brand?
ZZ: I would love to meet and interact with our customers again! We are currently on the lookout for a work space to call our own, so with Covid gone, we would be able to host a party and invite everyone! Having a physical space would also allow for our customers to view our products in real life, and this would hopefully provide for a better shopping experience. We could also host fun workshops for everyone!最喜歡和大家見面互動的時刻,找尋工作室是近期的目標,當Covid結束時希望能夠邀請大家到工作室來玩,可以看見飾品的真實樣貌,可以更輕鬆準確的找到自己的尺寸,或者來場金工的教學好像也不錯 : )
Ethan: This plan is in our pipeline and we cannot wait to celebrate this upcoming milestone!

ZZ: At A KIND OOOF, we hope to inspire your lives further.
We have great plans, and this includes expanding our minimalist jewellery product offerings. The Keepsake series is one of the many collections that we are looking to build on. We hope that A KIND OOOF would be able to accompany you through all your special moments.
秉著A KIND OOOF的精神,將持續分享生活片段及靈感來源
請期待 : )
Ethan: Our new space would greatly showcase the heart and soul of A KIND OOOF. We look forward to sharing more updates on this with you!